Prey's latest trailer is all about freedom of choice in an alien-infested space station

As we draw closer to the release of Bethesda and Arkane Studios' Prey reboot, we're learning more about the atmosphere and characters of the game in the usual slow drip of new trailers. The latest is no exception, giving us a look at the main character, Morgan Yu, the types of choices players will have to make, and how those choices might impact life on the game's alien-infested space station. Check it out below:

All said, it seems like freedom of choice is going to play a big, big role in Prey's overall story. From the gender of the player character down to which NPCs you choose to help or not, your choices will impact the story.

Where this gets particularly cool is in how far you're willing to dip your toes into altering yourself to gain more power. Of course, with that power comes with some significant trade-offs and story implications. If you're familiar with Arkane Studios' other major franchise, Dishonored, this will no doubt sound similar to that game's high chaos vs. low chaos tradeoff. Of course, Dishonored didn't throw a giant, hulking alien monster at you for simply choosing more power.

Prey is all set to bring its monstrous alien abominations to life on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on May 5. If you're down for giving it a shot, you can pre-order Prey at the Xbox Store and Amazon now.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl