Take our Affordable Phone Survey and you could win a $350 gift card!

We all know 2018 is just getting started, but already we've been overwhelmed by how many great phones have been announced. It's easy to be distracted by the most expensive options, but we can all agree it's impressive to see how much phone you can get for half (or less) of what those "flagship" phones cost. Just take a look at the trio of inexpensive options announced by Alcatel, the wave of Android Go phones, or even the latest from Nokia for examples of how capable the "budget" phone world is these days.

It got us wondering about how people think about what makes their next phone the one they fall in love with. And the best way to find those answers is to just ask! We've assembled a brief survey so you can tell us what you think about your next phone, and what features are the most important to you. And since your time is valuable, we're going to give away a $350 gift card to one lucky participant. Who knows, maybe that card will cover your next phone, with some left over!

Take the Mobile Nations Affordable Phone Survey!

Russell Holly

Russell is a tech nerd who chases the best of everything, from phones to game consoles to laptops and everything glowing or beeping. He's the Managing Editor of gaming content for Mobile Nations and can be found contributing to all of the Mobile Nations sites. Reach out on Twitter!